Is there any side effect of using a smartphone?

We have always found the positive and plus image of smartphone technologies. No one is ready to put some light on the negative sides of smartphone excessive use that is prevailing in our society. Most of the people and customers get happy by taking the best smartphone such as Honor 10 lite but they just ignore the excessive and negative sides of its usage.

 But the point is we have to find some balance. There are many possibilities and individual’s desires for using a smartphone in an excessive manner. For example, if you use your smartphone as a “security blanket” to relieve feelings of anxiety, loneliness, or awkwardness in social situations, then believe me it is completely wrong.

Staring at your phone will deny you the face-to-face interactions and you would not be able to take an interview for an exam. So there are many things that you will find difficult if you could not get out of it. Here we will try to put some light on that aspect by narrating a few points that I hope you all will get in an easy way:

Excessive use of a smartphone can lead you towards loneliness and depression. Most of the users cut off from their real friends and relatives and they don’t bother their presence. Most of the studies show that it may seem that losing yourself online will temporarily make feelings such as loneliness, depression, and boredom are gone away and you are relaxed now. But in reality, it is not similar to this logic that all such factors evaporate into thin air but it can actually make you feel even worse.

Smartphone and social media

We can quote many examples here but one of the most important studies of 2019 found a correlation between high social media usage and depression and anxiety. As we have a large number of smartphone users, especially teens, tend to compare themselves unfavorably with their peers on social media. We can have an idea through their posts that are promoting feelings of loneliness and depression.

Believe me or not but it is absolutely true that frequent use of a smartphone can fuel you with anxiety and tenderness. One researcher found that the presence of a phone in a work place tends to make people more anxious. Things are more out of control when you have the option Honor 8x price which is quite affordable for all of the users. 

Also, the users find it difficult to perform with full zest and ultimately they went into a situation where they perform poorly on given tasks. The heavier use of a smartphone will be in the result of the greater the anxiety developed in the respective user.

Using a smartphone in a frequent manner for work often means work bleeds into your home and personal life. Most of the time you will feel it difficult to complete an assigned task. You feel the pressure to always be on, never out of touch from work because this gadget engages you all the time. This need to continually check and respond to open applications. Like we need to respond to email all the time can contribute to higher stress levels and even burnout.


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